The movie NURSES If Florence Could See Us Now, looks at what it truly means to be a nurse including all of the joys, sorrows, and many different ways in which nurses impact the lives of others. While watching this movie and listening to all of the nurses speak about their experiences, I noticed a common theme, they all had such pride in the fact that they were a nurse, and that they were able to make an impact on patients’ lives and also how grateful they are for the impact that their patients have had on their lives. I think when reflecting on myself and my time in transitions, I think about developing this sense of pride. I know that gradation and passing the NCLEX will bring me a sense of joy and accomplishment, but I look forward to being able to practice as a nurse and develop this sense of pride, knowing I could be the difference on someone’s care one day, I think that will truly be an amazing feeling. 

While watching the movie, we looked at caring for children. I have not yet had the opportunity to fully complete my pediatric/ maternity course at UNE, so I have not had much experience with this population up to this point. One of the biggest barriers I noticed when learning about this population is promoting a sense of autonomy and self-control among this population, simply due to their age. I listen to many nurses talk about this and the different ways that they try and make all the difference for these young children. I hope to be able to improve and learn more about care specific to children to be able to provide them with the most equity and best level of care possible.

To be able to achieve this dream and sense of pride I must first become a practicing RN! Throughout my transitions to practice and leadership classes we are preparing to apply for our dream jobs. We have discussed a lot about the interview process and are working on finalizing our cover letters and resumes. One of the most important takeaways for me from our in-class guest speakers and lectures is that it is important to stand out but also remain true to yourself.  I think for me I will be able to do this by really researching the jobs I am applying for and only applying for the ones which I feel passionate about, I think that my genuine interest will help me to be able to ask questions and lend itself to a better interview. I also think that by being able to highlight some of my strengths and weakness in a positive manner will also be extremely helpful for selling myself to a potential employer. I think that by thinking about these topics prior to the interview will help me feel prepared to provide my best response and feel more confident which might also help calm some of my nerves related to the interview process.   

One thought on “Career Development

  1. What about care of children speaks to a cultural diversity, humility, and equity perspective?

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