Attached is my groups final project! I am extremely happy with how our project turned out. Disseminating the project turned out to be the most difficult part of the project for my group. Since the semester is winding down and everyone was at preceptorship or home it took us a little bit longer than we would have liked to get out project printed and posted throughout the unit. Despite the little hiccup at the end, our project is now on the unit and we are starting to receive some feedback through the survey link that is posted on the informational flyer. We also have received a lot of verbal/ email communication saying that people really enjoyed our flyers and felt they were easy to understand and provided good information. Through our anonymous survey regarding infection control, the nurses that have responded have stated that they are engaging in hand hygiene, wearing the correct PPE, and disinfecting equipment. However, we are receiving feedback that sometimes the nurses feel there is not an adequate amount of time to properly disinfect all of the equipment. I think these results are extremely important because these results can be shared with the unit and they could maybe come up with a solution to be able to provide nurses with that extra few minutes to thoroughly sanitize all the equipment. By doing this the risk of infection would probably decrease keeping both the patients and the nurses safer.

Through this project I felt as though I have learned a lot about the topic of infection control but also the entire process of creating and implementing a research project. It was a lot of trial and error and revision but overall, I think we were able to present a well done and informative project. I believe that this experience will be beneficial for my future career as a nurse. Not only do I have a completed research project that I could show a potential employer but also a newfound understanding for the importance of participating in research projects. I think overall the most important lesson I took away from this project is the importance of perfecting the basics and then building on top of that. Whether it be washing your hands to prevent infection or recognizing the need and proposing a research topic, it is important to start with the basics.

I believe that if I were to participate in another research project in the future that this project has providing me with a great understanding of what the process is and what can be expected when conducting research. I think that my team and I worked really well together, and I hope if I do another project it goes as well as this one did! I felt like I learned a lot about myself as a researcher and member of a team. I think we all were able to identify our strengths and weaknesses and use our strengths to each contribute differently to this project. For me and my group I think that this method worked really well for us. Instead of splitting things up so every little thing was equal we really played to our strengths and let people pick and choose what parts of the project they would like to work on. I felt this was most efficient and allowed us to be able to get a lot done, even if we could not always meet in person as much as we would have probably liked to. Overall, I think it went extremely well and I hope you enjoy our project!

2 thoughts on “Presenting Change

  1. Infection control is something us nurses are responsible for and unfortunately I feel like it’s something that some nurses don’t always prioritize for their patient. I think your infographic provides a great visualization for ways to prevent, why to prevent, and practice tips regarding infection control. Infection control is definitely not a perfected practice yet, as I’ve actually had a vented patient in clinical who had a blood infection due to improper care of their central line and a respiratory infection due to not following VAP protocols closely. I think the feedback about not having time to clean is interesting and definitely relatable, as I’ve noticed that some equipment on my unit is so limited that there really isn’t time to disinfect in-between patients, so it becomes a risk-benefit situation. I really like that you guys included that tip about charting while waiting for Sani-cloths to dry! I think this was a really well-done project and it’s clear that you guys worked well together to create something meaningful.

  2. This project is great! I love the pictures and organization. I like how you said what you took away most from this project: “the most important lesson I took away from this project is the importance of perfecting the basics and then building on top of that. Whether it be washing your hands to prevent infection or recognizing the need and proposing a research topic, it is important to start with the basics.” Hand hygiene is the basics of understanding infection control but it is also key and I like how you made that clear in your post. Overall, wonderful project! This is such an important topic and you really brought out its importance in this poster.

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