Since choosing a topic and developing out PICOT questions, we have revised the question. We made the outcome of our question more specific just to narrow down our research so that way it is more manageable. At first we wanted to look to see how the effects of music therapy effected the prognosis of patients outcomes, but now we are searching to see how music therapy effects the severity of the patients’ side effects. So far we have run into a few bumps along the way but nothing too major. We had to change theoretical framework. We changed it to a nursing theory that suited our PICOT question better and the purposes of our research. However we have also has much success as well. We did a nice job finding articles to support out paper and we work well as a team to complete our assignments. We have good team collaboration and communication and have not run into any issue regarding our teamwork that has had to be resolved. I think we are on a good projector to complete our paper to the best of our abilities.